Architectural Design Drawings

Ensure your drawings are accurate and structurally sound. Working in collaboration with your designer, our professional engineers will take measurements and review your plans.

What Is An Architectural Design Drawing?

An architectural design drawing reflects the actual look of the building. This includes examination of the style, rooms sizes and placements, function, form, window placement, door placement, and overall aesthetic.

Working in collaboration with a designer, our team will offer practical solutions, grounded in engineering expertise, that will be cost-effective and work within your budget.

At Keller Engineering Engineers, one of our professional engineers, who is licensed by one of the 12 licensing bodies in Canada, will review the project and work with you to ensure you can bring your design to life for your clients.

Our Approach To Architectural Design Drawings

We are proud to have several architectural designers on our team that can provide expert assistance with your project.

As every project is unique, we will work with you to ensure that your drawings are reviewed accurately and that you are provided with practical solutions in order to move forward. We will consider both how your structure will be built and how it will look upon completion, for the best results.

Ensure Your Design Is Feasible & Safe