What You Need To Know About Scheduling Maintenance & Repairs For Your Condo

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Maintenance & Repairs

Condominium property managers, along with condo boards and service contractors, play a big role in keeping condos in peak condition.

Condo corporations are responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repairs of anything beyond the boundaries of individual units, which include parking garages, gardens, hallway lights, elevators, swimming pools and more.

Why Regular Scheduled Maintenance and Repairs Are Important For Condos

Having a regularly scheduled maintenance and repair system in place will help condo property managers ensure that all condo operations are running smoothly without incidence. Delaying maintenance plans can have measurable short term gains, but delaying repairs and replacement to building components and systems can come with risks and potential costs. Regular maintenance is crucial in order to:

  • Increase life of building components
  • Improve community visual appeal
  • Increase pride of ownership
  • Improve standard of living for condo residents

All of these factors can be kept in check by investing in a reserve fund study. Under the Condominium Act, all condos are required to have a reserve fund in place to mitigate risk and for emergencies.

When you schedule a study with Keller Jansen Engineers, our team will provide recommendations for ongoing maintenance of all systems as well as condition evaluation of each. We will also provide a report of considerations for improvements, enhancements, or compliance with newly enacted regulations.

Schedule A Reserve Fund Study

Steps To Know When Implementing Maintenance and Repairs Schedules

To be prepared for scheduled maintenance and repairs on your property, it helps to follow the steps below to ensure all your priorities are taken care of:

  1.  Start at the beginning, create a list of items that need to be maintained
  2. Remember why preventative maintenance matters
  3. Schedule yearly maintenance
  4. Focus on the benefits
  5. Find the right partner

Find The Right Condominium Engineering Partner

Lastly, to be a successful property manager, one must find partners to depend on. At Keller Engineering Engineers, we partner with condominium property managers to deliver customized engineering services and performance audits that will address the unique needs of a multi-level building.

We offer Condo Performance Auditin, Condo Reserve Fund Studies, Condo Energy and Water Consumption Reporting, BB19R, and other quality services that you and your tenants deserve.

Call us today to learn more about how we do things differently when it comes to condominium engineering.

Let’s Become Partners Today!

Keller Engineering Engineers services a large area, which includes most of southern Ontario. Call us today to discover why Keller Engineering Engineers is your go-to team when it comes to all of your condo performance audits or to schedule an inspection for your condo building.

Call 1-888-940-0571